Bell Ringer

Our platform itself is the bell ringer itself!  It makes any topic more engaging and motivating for students.  Kickstart lessons with thought provoking questions, overview videos, or debates and challenges on the day’s topic.

Here’s how you can create dynamic bell ringers in MegaMinds:

  1. Thought-Provoking Questions: Place thought-provoking questions to stimulate critical thinking and spark discussion.
  2. Overview Videos: Place an overview video that provides a quick summary of the day’s topic, helping students understand the context and objectives of the lesson.
  3. Debates: Facilitate debates on the day’s topic, allowing students to explore different perspectives and practice their communication and argumentation skills in a structured and supportive environment.
  4. Team-Based Challenges: Create small group challenges that encourage collaboration and teamwork among students.

Get your students up and at ’em in our 3D gamified environments.  With MegaMinds, it couldn’t be quicker or easier to create a Bell Ringer that is engaging and fun.