Digital Storytelling

Students can build and participate in interactive stories. This fosters creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. Interactive storytelling can be used to explore historical events, practice language skills, or even create branching narratives.  Simply assign a room to your students and give them a storytelling task to complete.

  1. Inspiration and Ideas: MegaMinds features examples of creative works to inspire students and provide ideas for their own projects. It’s super easy to find an existing Room and add your own twist to it!
  2. Community and Collaboration: MegaMinds provides a platform for students to connect with others who are interested in digital storytelling, facilitating collaboration and the exchange of ideas.
  3. Feedback and Critique: MegaMinds offers a platform for students to receive feedback from teachers and students alike, which can help improve their creative skills.

The canvas has no limits – students are able to assemble their own stories with either our templates or, if they’re super creative, they can simply create a blank room and create their own 3D environment for their story.