Guided Practice

MegaMinds is your partner in guided practice, providing students with the tools and support they need to master new concepts and skills. Create interactive scenarios where students apply new concepts through quizzes, solve problems in teams, and engage in real-time discussions, all in a game-like setting.

Here’s how we can assist teachers with guided practice:

  1. Interactive Scenarios: MegaMinds provides interactive scenarios where students can apply new concepts and skills in realistic situations. Whether it’s through simulations, case studies, or virtual experiments, students can practice what they’ve learned in a safe and controlled environment.
  2. Quizzes and Assessments: Use quizzes and assessments that help students gauge their understanding of the material.
  3. Team-Based Problem Solving: MegaMinds facilitates team-based problem-solving activities where students work together to solve complex problems. This collaborative approach not only reinforces learning but also helps students develop teamwork and communication skills.
  4. Real-Time Discussions: Our platform enables real-time discussions among students, allowing them to ask questions, share insights, and engage with each other in meaningful ways. These discussions are guided by instructors or facilitators, ensuring that students stay on track and focused.
  5. Game-Like Setting: MegaMinds creates a game-like setting for guided practice, making learning fun and engaging. Students earn points, badges, and rewards as they progress, motivating them to actively participate and excel.

Our Explore Page offers many examples you can edit for yourself, but you’re also free to create your own Rooms to suit your classroom’s topics and assign them to students. Once in your Room, just press the “+” button and you’ll be greeted with everything you need to get started!